Exploring Best Water Filtration Systems

Health, Optimum Water Solutions, Purified, Water

National Water Quality Month is Dedicated to Exploring the Best Water Filtration Systems Access to pure, clean water is a critical concern for human health and the environment. Being that August is National Water Quality Month, this article is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of pure, clean water and the effective implementation of […]

The Role of Water Purification

Health, Optimum Water Solutions, Purified, Water

The Role of Water Purification Amidst Water Toxicity Findings Across the East Coast Where is Water Toxic and How Can Water Purification Help? Water purification is a popular conversation piece, particularly when public water supplies are impacted for the worst. For instance, early this year, the East Palestine Train Derailment incident made the news when […]

Why Schools Are Using Water Cooler Dispensers

Health, Installations, Optimum Water Solutions, Purified, Water

Why Schools Are Using Water Cooler Dispensers How do water cooler dispensers help to reduce plastic waste, and why do we care? For starters, plastic waste has become a global environmental and human health concern, prompting many counties to introduce school-wide efforts to have children play an active role in reducing plastic waste. Education and […]

Hospitals Are Going Plastic-Free

Health, Optimum Water Solutions, Service, Support, Water

Why Hospitals Are Going Plastic-Free with Water Filtration Systems The U.S. healthcare industry is generally assumed to promote health and wellness, and to a large degree that is made possible by health-minded initiatives, like the Plastic-Free July campaign and innovative technology, like water filtration systems. This article will look at the ways in which hospitals […]

5 Ways to Ditch Plastic At Work for Plastic-Free July

Optimum Water Solutions, Service, Water

5 Ways to Ditch Plastic At Work for Plastic-Free July It is Plastic-Free July and businesses worldwide are exploring simple but innovative ways to get involved. This article addresses five effective ways to get involved, by making use of an office water cooler in the workplace. Ditch 5-gallon water jugs in the office. They’re made […]

All About Plastic Free July

Installations, Optimum Water Solutions, Water

All About Plastic Free July Every July 4th we Americans are prompted to think about Freedom. However, did you know that July is also celebrated across the globe as Plastic-Free July? This article is all about the campaign, and how your business and your water dispenser can help you to gain freedom from plastic. History […]

Purified Water Supports Brain Health

Health, Optimum Water Solutions, Purified, Water

Purified Water Machines Can Support Your Brain! Healthy minds, healthy bodies. It’s what we all aim for and desire, right? Since June happens to be Alzheimer’s and Brain Health Awareness month, there is much that you and your colleagues may do to raise awareness about A.D., and to promote brain health. Here are 4 ways […]

Water in the Beauty Business

Health, Optimum Water Solutions, Water

Water in the Beauty Business What might you imagine to be offered upon entering the doors of a high-end salon or spa: a hot face cloth? Scented hand sanitizer? How about some pure, clean, refreshing water from a high-end water dispenser? If you own or work in a salon, spa, or massage parlor- chances are […]

The Importance of Purified Water During Pregnancy

Health, Optimum Water Solutions, Purified, Water

The Importance of Purified Water During Pregnancy We have all seen posters on display, whether at the doctor’s office or in restaurants, that serve as reminders of the many things that pregnant women should avoid. As a result, most people are aware of the fact that pregnant women are advised to refrain from drinking alcohol, […]