What Does the Coronavirus Mean For Your Drinking Water? Coronavirus really rocked the world, everything everywhere stopped to pay attention, and an unprecedented public health emergency made people more aware of the cleanliness of all their environment and the things they touch, breath, and consume, including drinking water. The fear of Coronavirus spreading is not […]
How Your Body Uses Water You may be aware that 60% of the adult human body is made up of water, but have you ever thought about how your body uses water? While we tend to think about the fact that we eat food in order to fuel our bodies, we don’t typically think about […]
How Does Your City Treat Its Drinking Water? When you’re thirsty, you most likely fill a glass from a tap and don’t think twice about where it comes from or if it’s safe to drink. Drinking water in the United States is among the safest in the world, but our drinking water can still become […]