Optimum Water Solutions, Service, Water

5 Ways to Ditch Plastic At Work for Plastic-Free July

It is Plastic-Free July and businesses worldwide are exploring simple but innovative ways to get involved. This article addresses five effective ways to get involved, by making use of an office water cooler in the workplace.

  • Ditch 5-gallon water jugs in the office.

They’re made of heavy plastic and are heavy themselves, making them difficult to store, shop for, and to replace. All this is for often stale-tasting, contaminated, room-temperature water.

  • Install a bottleless water cooler in the breakroom.

There are countless benefits to consider, beyond eliminating any need for plastic water bottles. They produce the world’s cleanest, purest water with an advanced purification process. As such, the water tastes delicious, with added alkalinity, to properly hydrate, with every sip. Read more about the added benefits here.  Optimum Water Solutions has already avoided nearly 24 million plastic water bottles in just nine years!

  • Refuse single-use plastic water bottles.

We can learn from others who have paved the way for us. San Francisco International Airport (SFO), for instance, banned the sale of plastic water bottles in all of its concessions beginning in August 2019 which is an impressive feat.

  • Promote or provide reusable water bottles for the office.

You can even hire a company to produce reusable water bottles with your company logo, doubling as a powerful marketing tool.

  • Talk about your Plastic-Free ideas at the office water cooler.

The office water cooler is a great place for a meeting of minds. Employees can challenge one another to take the pesky plastics quiz, or to take on the Plastic-Free Challenge, which has been organized by the Plastic-Free Foundation. Together, we can inspire innovation, and eco-friendly solutions to the problems posed by plastic water bottles.

Try the Plastic-Free Challenge in Your Office this Month

While the Plastic-Free challenge involves making change, it doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it can be fun for everyone in the office. The Brookfield Properties host ‘lunch and learns,’ with Plastic Free July founder Rebecca Prince-Ruiz in Sydney Australia. Other offices post signage to educate employees on how to reduce, reuse and recycle. Oftentimes, simple solutions are the best ones, one of those being the office water cooler. Optimum Water Solutions has a range of different-sized water purification systems to suit your particular office needs, hydrating from 20 to 85 employees. See here to learn which office water cooler you should install to “walk to the talk,” for Plastic-Free July, throughout the month, and for the years to come. Clearly. Pure. Water. 
