The Best Bottleless Water Cooler For Your Office When it comes to investing in your office’s water, you want to make sure you’re getting the best bottleless water unit to fit your needs. Although this may sound like a simple task – what could be so different about water coolers anyways? – one system may […]
Six Fun and Interesting Facts About Water Water is the most important resource in the world and here are six fun and interesting water facts that make it clear just how amazing water is. 2.5% of the Earth’s Water is Freshwater Our first fun water fact is that 2.5% of the Earth’s water is freshwater. […]
Want to Drink More Water? Here’s How! We all know how important hydration is – all of our cells, tissues, and organs rely on water to function properly. Water is necessary to cushion your joints, protect your brain, and regulate your temperature. In fact, we are all about 50%-70% water, so when we don’t refill […]
How UV Sanitization Helps Keep Your Water Clean We are all concerned with keeping our water clean and free of microbial contamination. UV sanitization is the most effective way to disinfect bacteria from water. UV systems are responsible for destroying 99.9% of harmful microorganisms without the need for adding chemicals that may change your water’s […]
New Technologies to Help Solve the Water Crisis The world is facing a very serious problem: water shortages in many parts of the globe. According to the World Health Organization, over 2.5 billion people lack access to safe, clean drinking water in their communities that can be collected in a round trip of 30 minutes […]
Top 5 Best Water Tracker Apps Are you looking to stay fit and be healthy, well, drinking water is a great way to start. Water helps carry vital nutrients to cells, regulates body temperature, and removes wastes. Drinking enough and the right quality of water is vital to our health, so below we have outlined […]
Distilled Water vs. Purified Water: What’s the Difference? At Optimum, one of the most common questions we receive from customers is what’s the difference between distilled water and purified water. The difference is really found in the process the water is put through to reach purification. Aside from this, many customers also wonder whether distilled […]
Seven Insane Facts About Plastic Pollution Plastic can take thousands of years to decompose, and plastic pollution has become a significant issue worldwide. The world now produces more than 380 million tons of plastic every year, which end up as pollutants, finding their way into the natural environment and our oceans. Consider this: all the […]
5 Reasons Your Office Needs a Bottleless Water Cooler Using a bottleless water cooler can be a great way to help the environment and your health at the same time. The traditional water cooler has been a staple of most office workplaces for decades. It has even been studied to understand its effect on employee […]