Why We Love Our Office Water Cooler

Optimum Water Solutions

Celebrating Valentine’s Day is Easy with an Office Water Cooler: As offices and workers scramble to meet deadlines, finding a way to celebrate Valentine’s Day in the workplace can be overwhelming, if not impossible. However, an office water cooler makes it surprisingly easy; after all, it is much more than a source of hydration. The […]

The Office Solution to Hydration and Beyond

Optimum Water Solutions

Amid economic challenges, prioritizing employee well-being is crucial. To avoid negativity and stagnation, one pivotal office solution for promoting good welfare is hydration; hydration plays a critical role in maintaining good health, and elevating positivity and productivity in the workplace. Even though companies are seeing major layoffs and budget cuts, some refuse to cut out […]

Gifting Your Employees With A Quality Water Cooler

Optimum Water Solutions, Water

Gifting Your Employees With A Quality Water Cooler Employee appreciation is a cornerstone of a thriving workplace, and choosing the right gift can make a significant impact. In this article, we delve into the thoughtful realm of employee gifts, focusing on a surprising and invaluable choice – a quality water cooler. Beyond the traditional gifts, […]

The Best Bottleless Water Cooler For Your Office

Health, Optimum Water Solutions, Purified, Water

The Best Bottleless Water Cooler For Your Office When it comes to investing in your office’s water, you want to make sure you’re getting the best bottleless water unit to fit your needs. Although this may sound like a simple task – what could be so different about water coolers anyways? – one system may […]

5 Reasons Your Office Needs a Bottleless Water Cooler

Installations, Optimum Water Solutions, Service, Water

5 Reasons Your Office Needs a Bottleless Water Cooler Using a bottleless water cooler can be a great way to help the environment and your health at the same time. The traditional water cooler has been a staple of most office workplaces for decades. It has even been studied to understand its effect on employee […]

How Your Body Uses Water

Health, Water

How Your Body Uses Water You may be aware that 60% of the adult human body is made up of water, but have you ever thought about how your body uses water? While we tend to think about the fact that we eat food in order to fuel our bodies, we don’t typically think about […]