Going Green: Five Facts About Single-Use Plastics

Health, Optimum Water Solutions, Water

Going Green: Five Facts About Single-Use Plastics At Optimum, we’re constantly looking for ways to be more environmentally friendly. This is a core belief that our company is based around. We believe in the power of cutting down on the use of plastic to create a healthier planet. Why? Well, think of it this way: […]

The Best Type of Water to Drink (It’s Ours!)

Health, Optimum Water Solutions, Water

The Best Type of Water to Drink (It’s Ours!) Drinking enough water throughout the day is absolutely essential for your health. It helps every tissue, every cell, and every system function at its best. This is why the quality of water you drink matters. Yet, most still believe that all water is equal. Let’s compare […]

The Dangers of Refrigerator Water Filters

Health, Optimum Water Solutions, Water

The Dangers of Refrigerator Water Filters Most every office has a community kitchen and if your business doesn’t use an Optimum Water system then you might be using plastic water bottles or use water filtered by the company fridge. Here is some information that might make you think twice before you drink that fridge-filtered water!  […]

March 22nd is World Water Day

Health, Optimum Water Solutions, Purified, Water

March 22nd is World Water Day It’s estimated that nearly 1 in 9 people, roughly 783 million, don’t have access to clean drinking water sources. Based on the current global climate and man’s impact on natural resources, it’s likely that nearly two-thirds of the world will live in water-stressed areas by 2025. That’s why the […]

Common Myths About DIY Water Purification

Health, Optimum Water Solutions, Water

Common Myths About DIY Water Purification Here at Optimum, we are frequently asked why it’s necessary to purchase a bottleless water system when there are so many DIY water purification options. Why spend money on a purification system when it should be easy enough to just clean your water through other means? While it isn’t […]

How Changes in the Climate Can Affect Our Water

Optimum Water Solutions, Purified, Water

How Changes in the Climate Can Affect Our Water Water is a crucial part of human life. We use water for activities from bathing and drinking to growing crops, supporting livestock, generating electricity, and even relaxing and having fun. These uses alone put pressure on our water resources – pressure that has become exacerbated by […]

How Clean is Your Swimming Pool?

Optimum Water Solutions, Water

How Clean is Your Swimming Pool? Depending on your location, either you have pool time year-round or wait in anticipation of summer. With the sun out and our friends and family nearby, there’s no better way to spend a warm afternoon. With all that fun, however, comes a certain cost associated with pool ownership: maintenance. […]

Five Ways Hard Water Can Damage Your Office

Optimum Water Solutions, Water

Five Ways Hard Water Can Damage Your Office Hard water is typically considered to be a big nuisance due to the fact that it results in many problems, all of which can cause damage at your place of business. For one, hard water can increase your energy bills. Secondly, hard water damage can be costly. […]

Top Five Children’s Books to Teach About Water Pollution

Optimum Water Solutions

Top Five Children’s Books to Teach About Water Pollution With all of the talk about climate change, water pollution, and the impact that we have on our planet making headlines these days, many parents are concerned with raising their children to care about the environment. Roughly 80% of the world’s wastewater is dumped – largely […]