Experience the new way of water with FloWater, the Ultimate Office Water Dispenser. Rethink archaic approaches to hydration; if you, your students or patients, hotel guests, gym members, or office staff are drinking lukewarm fountain water, bottled water, or water from a blue 5-gallon jug, please beware! Those outdated drinking water options create excessive waste, […]
Did you know that keeping a water cooler in the workplace, gym, or spa is an impactful way to support eco-friendly initiatives? This February 24th, as we observe National Skip the Straw Day, it is high time to raise awareness about the detrimental effects of single-use plastics on the environment. Consumers, workers, and business owners […]
While Valentine’s Day can be a joyful loving time, celebrating the holiday in the workplace can trigger anxiety, loneliness, and the blues. If you or your colleagues are battling the blues, consider researching office water coolers to help battle the blues together. Different office water coolers have the power to unlock the secrets to your […]
Celebrating Valentine’s Day is Easy with an Office Water Cooler: As offices and workers scramble to meet deadlines, finding a way to celebrate Valentine’s Day in the workplace can be overwhelming, if not impossible. However, an office water cooler makes it surprisingly easy; after all, it is much more than a source of hydration. The […]