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As Spring comes into full bloom, it is fitting to acknowledge the importance of sustainable practices to nurture growth, especially as Earth Day approaches on April 22nd; it’s imperative to shed light on one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time: plastic pollution. With the world’s oceans, rivers, and landfills choked with plastic waste, finding sustainable solutions has never been more urgent. One key aspect of combating this crisis lies in optimizing water solutions. Let’s delve into the problems associated with plastic pollution and explore actionable steps to mitigate its effects.

The Problems with Plastic Pollution:

Plastic pollution poses multifaceted threats to ecosystems, wildlife, and human health. Here are some key issues associated with plastic pollution:

1. Plastic Pollution & Marine Life Threats

Plastic reliance leads to increased plastic dumping in the oceans. More than 300 million tons are produced each year, yet only 10% of plastic products get recycled. The rest goes into the trash and much of it ends up in the ocean. In fact, it is estimated that as much as  7 million tons of plastic are added to waterways each year; subsequently, countless marine animals, including seabirds and sea turtles, mistake plastic debris for food, leading to ingestion and entanglement, often resulting in injury or death.

2. Plastic Pollution Causes Ecosystem Disruption: 

Plastic pollution disrupts both marine and terrestrial ecosystems, altering habitats and endangering sustainable practices on land. Indeed, according to ScienceDirect, ever-present microplastics in soils and sediments are considered a severe environmental issue worldwide. 

3. Plastic Pollution Poses Human Health Risks: 

Plastic pollution has been shown to expose humans to harmful chemicals that can leach into our drinking water sources, thereby posing health risks. It is hard to believe that plastic, in the form of nanoplastics, will creep its way into both tap water and wells. What’s worse is that plastic pollution is most prevalent in our bottled water sources! According to research reported by the NIH, a liter of bottled water included about 240,000 tiny pieces of plastic; About 90% of these plastic fragments were nanoplastics.

4. The Pervasive Persistence of Plastic Pollution: 

Plastics, unfortunately, take hundreds to thousands of years to degrade, accumulating in water bodies and landfills indefinitely, which is simply not a pretty sight to see.

Four Sustainable Solutions to Plastic Pollution: 

1. Increased Recycling Efforts: 

Promote recycling initiatives to reduce plastic waste entering water bodies. According to Yale research, Americans recycle 22% of discarded waste and throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour. Recycling one ton of plastic bottles saves the equivalent energy usage of a two-person household for one year.

2. Use of Innovative Technologies: 

Invest in innovative technologies to eliminate plastics in our drinking water, using advanced filtration systems and water purification systems. 

3. Rely Upon Sustainable Packaging: 

Encourage the use of biodegradable and compostable packaging materials to minimize plastic consumption and pollution.

4. Public Awareness and Education: 

Raise awareness about the impacts of plastic pollution through educational campaigns in the workplace, at school, and within the community as a form of outreach. 

Optimizing Water Solutions To Tackle Plastic Pollution

Individuals can make a difference in the fight against plastic pollution, especially if we work together. By eliminating plastics from our drinking water, we are making great strides in protecting humans from further health risks, and in protecting the earth. Here are some tips from the University of Pennsylvania:

  1. Do not use plastic jugs or plastic water bottles! These efforts will not only help to reduce energy consumption and subsequent emissions but will also reduce plastic pollution. 
  2. Reduce waste sent to landfills by connecting water filtration systems to an existing water line. It’s rather uncomplicated, as one may witness by watching the process. 
  3. Filter the water coming from the water line using the most advanced technologies, including reverse osmosis filtration. 
  4. Eliminate the need for delivery services by ending bottle delivery, thereby reducing transportation emissions and energy consumption. To promote sustainable practices, companies are encouraged to further reduce single-use plastic consumption by having their workforce opt for reusable bags, utensils, and glass or steel water bottles.

In closing, as we commemorate Earth Month and Earth Day in 2024, let’s recommit ourselves to protecting our planet from the scourge of plastic pollution. By implementing sustainable solutions, particularly optimizing sustainable water solutions, we can mitigate the devastating impacts of plastic waste on ecosystems and human well-being. To get started on this journey, contact us and together, we’ll strive for a cleaner, healthier future for generations to come. Clearly. Pure. Water. 
