Optimum Water Solutions

Everyone needs water, but we often take for granted both means of access and the long-term effects of different corporate water solutions and their cost-saving strategies. Many companies resort to purchasing cases of water, in packs of 40 or by the pallet thinking it’s the most convenient and cost-effective solution; however, this approach is not only costly but environmentally detrimental. In this article, we explore the common pitfalls of corporations and businesses when it comes to providing drinking water to their employees; in addition, we will highlight the best corporate water solutions, purified bottleless water.  

Corporate Water Solutions Involving Pallets of Bottled Water 

Whether you’re buying water by the pallet or by individual cases at big box stores, your corporation is probably wasting money and is contributing a good share of plastic to our landfills and oceans. 


Inefficient Corporate Water Solutions & Financial Waste

Buying bottled water in bulk may seem like a cost-effective solution at first glance, but the expenses quickly add up. Just consider the downsides; there is frequent reordering, wasted storage space, lost time and logistical efforts spent tracking and handling these heavy cases; and in greater detail, costs are explored in this article. Beyond this, did you know that, according to the National Safety Council, more than 50% of workmans comp claims involve these cases? Over time, these hidden costs can significantly impact your bottom line. The money spent on plastic bottling is truly wasteful, especially if your employees do not fully consume the contents of each bottle. More often than not, bottles of water end up flying out of pick up trucks and clutter office spaces, becoming more of a nuisance to pick up, rather than a convenience. 


Environmental Impact of Ineffective Corporate Water Solutions

The environmental implications of relying on single-use plastic bottles are severe. Each bottle discarded adds to the growing mountains of plastic waste in landfills, where they can take hundreds of years, if not forever, to decompose. According to the EPA, in recent years, up to 35.7 million tons of plastic get dumped every year, with disposable bottles at the top of the list of wasted items. Even more troubling is the plastic that ends up in our oceans, posing a serious threat to marine life and ecosystems; how is your corporation helping to keep the seas plastic free?


Adverse Health Effects

What is more is the health hazards of ingesting plastic. That is right: we are drinking plastic when we drink from disposable water bottles by the case or pallet. The NIH reports that there is evidence of plastic particles in human blood, lungs, gut, feces, and reproductive tissues like the placenta and testes. By opting for case water, companies are inadvertently contributing to the global health problems of microplastic ingestion. According to the NIH, only time will tell the long-term health effects. Does your corporation want to take another risk, without a promise of reward?


Corporate Water Solutions & Common Alternatives 

While some businesses turn to 5-gallon jug systems or basic water filter systems as alternatives to case water, these solutions come with their own set of challenges. Be it Insufficient filtration, or poor upkeep, corporations are tasked with the unwanted job of taking care of their filter coolers and 5-gal jug replacements. Are you the lucky person who handles these tasks?


Unfortunately, most simple filter systems and 5-gallon jug systems do not offer the comprehensive purification needed for daily drinking water. These systems often fail to remove all contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, chemical pollutants and inorganic solids – like mercury, arsenic and lead – which can compromise the health of your employees. In addition, neither alternative provides seamless sanitary measures to keep drinking water clean. Have you ever noticed green coloration at the bottom of your 5-gal jug? Perhaps you have a problem with biofilm.


Corporate Water Solutions Involve Maintenance and Sanitation

Maintaining 5-gallon jug systems and basic filter systems can be cumbersome. Regular sanitization routines are essential to prevent bacterial growth and biofilm build up, but these tasks are often neglected, whether due to their complexity, sheer ignorance, or the amount of time that is required to do it well. This negligence can lead to hygiene issues, further reducing the quality of the water provided, and lending to more sick days in the workplace. Viruses and bacteria can live and breed on the outsides of these systems, as well as in the water holding tank, if not properly and routinely maintained. 


The Superiority of Reverse Osmosis Purification

For businesses looking to provide the highest quality water for their employees, with fewer hassles, reverse osmosis (RO) purification is the gold standard. In addition to creating the best tasting water, most RO systems are bottle-free and are auto-sanitizing. Indeed, the best corporate water solutions are ¨cleaner, greener and more cost-effective.¨

  • Comprehensive Purification Lends to Cleaner Drinking Water: Reverse osmosis purification systems effectively remove a wide range of contaminants, providing clean, safe drinking water. RO systems use a multi-stage filtration process to remove up to 99% of contaminants, including harmful chemicals, heavy metals, and microorganisms. This ensures that the water your employees drink is not only safe but also tastes pure and refreshing.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: while some people do not like subscriptions or lease agreements, individuals witness their convenience and cost-effectiveness in many areas of life, whether it is signing up for Prime Delivery, Media channel access or many phone Apps, costs are associated with access to great things. If not purchasing an RO system outright, many companies have the option of leasing their systems to reduce long-term costs associated with purchasing, handling and storing bottled cases or 5-gallon jugs; in addition, such agreements often involve maintenance packages and customer service.
  • Health for the Environment and Workers: by eliminating the need for plastic bottles, RO purification systems help to reduce a corporation´s environmental footprint, and help to reduce the likelihood of spreading sickness via auto sanitization features and touchless-dispensing options. 


Providing Effective Corporate Water Solutions:

Choosing the right water solution for your business is crucial for finances, efficiency, health and environmental responsibility. Moving away from case water, 5-gallon jug systems, and basic filter systems towards reverse osmosis purification systems is a smart investment in your employees’ health and the planet’s future. Optimum Water Solutions provides the expertise and technology needed to make this transition seamless and beneficial.


Optimum Water Solutions offers state-of-the-art reverse osmosis purification systems tailored for corporate environments. Their systems are designed for easy installation and minimal maintenance, ensuring a hassle-free experience for businesses. By choosing Optimum Water Solutions, companies can provide their employees with the highest quality water while also committing to sustainable practices. The company is proud that they are ¨big enough to get the job done, small enough to care,¨ noting their family-like treatment of clients and corporations. For more information on how Optimum Water Solutions can benefit your business, visit their website, and be sure to read their reviews here. Make the switch today and ensure that your corporate water solution is both optimal and sustainable. Clearly. Pure. Water. 
