Optimum Water Solutions

June is an important month to show appreciation for father figures and Dads across America. To honor Father’s Day, we recognize one Father-Son duo who built a water company. While this successful family business cannot take credit for developing the first electric light bulb, (like Thomas Edison and his son Theodore), they have certainly helped to make America brilliant! For starters, family businesses, like this one, constitute a large portion of the American workforce — almost 60% of the economy’s GDP and 63% of its workforce! Beyond strengthening the economy, family businesses like help to instill important American values of hard work, and dedication to and care for others and the environment. 


The Father-Son Duo & Their Water Company

Meet Barry Snyder: Like many entrepreneurs, Barry worked in his families’ business, which was originally founded by his grandfather. In 2014, Barry decided he wanted to start his own business, Optimum Water Solutions. His mission was (and still continues to be) promoting healthy living through clean, pure water in the point of use water industry. As guided by the insights of his elders, Barry shared his vision to provide the highest level of customer service to his clients interested in purified bottleless water coolers and ice machines, with his son. Sharing common values and the same mission, Zachary joined his Father’s team full-time in 2017, thus continuing a tradition of Snyder men working together. 


A Successful Water Company

What do all family businesses have in common? For starters, they entail a shared vision, hard work and they help to support a common goal. While some family business models focus on financial growth and fiscal independence, others promote environmental sustainability and quality customer service; such is the case for Barry Snyder and his son, Zach, and their water company. Together, this Father-Son duo runs their water company with the motto: “big enough to get the job done, small enough to care,” highlighting the importance of treating customers like family. 


Other Exemplary Family Businesses

Walmart, Chick-Fil-A, Ford, Dell, and Estée Lauder are other examples of businesses that have made it big in America. Without a doubt, they have contributed to our lives in some way. For instance, big-box stores, fast-food chains, automakers, computers, and the beauty industry have created an impact on our lives in the way that we research, shop, and eat. If it weren’t for the successful relationships they fostered in their family business, America wouldn’t be as brilliant as it is today. 


A Closer Look At An Environmentally Conscious Water Company

We all know that water is essential to life, but Barry and Zachary know the importance of pure water that is 99.99% clear of harmful toxins and unwanted impurities. Barry and Zachary, CEO and President of Optimum Water Solutions, thus provide unlimited pure water and ice, while handling all of the required maintenance to ensure their customers’ enjoy glass after glass of pure water. What’s more, is that their energy-efficient water dispensers are better for the environment due to the fact that they do not depend on disposable plastic bottles.  The avoidance of plastic water bottles helps to eliminate plastic waste. Indeed, they are so confident in their mission, products, and customer service that they offer many incentives to try their products, ranging from reverse osmosis water coolers to ice machines. Clearly. Pure. Water. 
