
From creating significant issues for drinking water quality to producing sour moods, excessive rainfall has many people looking for new solutions. One solution to persistent rainfall is to keep on pouring…from your water dispensers! In this blog, we explore the important relationship between rainfall and water dispensers.


How Relentless Rainfall Can Disrupt the Workplace

Most employees are not as enthusiastic about rainy days as beloved Phyllis from the Office; rather, most employees complain about excess rainfall lending to sour moods and lost productivity. In fact, A psychology professor from Benedict College shares some important insight on the link between rainfall and moods of individuals in your workplace. According to research cited in the article, rainfall and lack of sunshine can: 

« affect the levels of serotonin in our brains, which is an important neurotransmitter that regulates our mood…When these levels are disrupted, it can cause feelings of sadness and other mood disorders. »


How Heavy Rains Affect Drinking Water Quality

When it rains, water doesn’t just seep peacefully into the ground. Stormwater carries a mixture of pollutants—pesticides, oil, heavy metals, and bacteria—that can infiltrate public water systems and private wells. For communities and workplaces relying on well water, contamination becomes a major concern after a storm, as runoff can seep into underground aquifers, introducing harmful bacteria and chemicals. 

Public tap water sources aren’t immune either. While treatment plants are equipped to handle certain levels of pollutants, excessive runoff can overwhelm these systems, potentially leading to the contamination of tap water, as recently seen in a small Florida community. If your workplace falls into either the private-well or public drinking water categories, you may know of the importance of the vigilant monitoring required to maintain safe drinking water; alternatively, there are simpler solutions that may offer greater peace of mind! Read on to learn about optimizing your drinking water. 


Optimizing Drinking Water with Innovative Water Dispensers

Amid concerns about water quality, Optimum Water Solutions offers a reliable way to ensure that the water you drink is free from contaminants. By using state-of-the-art water dispensers, you can take control of the quality of your drinking water—rain or shine. The best water dispensers don’t just filter; they purify water to meet the highest quality standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) using reverse osmosis technology, or RO. Through reverse osmosis technology and innovative purification processes, these dispensers remove harmful bacteria, heavy metals, and chemicals from the water. This ensures that whether you’re using a public water source or well water, the water dispensed is as clean and refreshing as possible.

For businesses, having access to clean, purified water boosts employee morale. It’s not just about hydration—it’s about providing safe, refreshing drinking water that supports health and well-being. Clean water from innovative dispensers leads to happier employees, reducing the mood and health risks earlier stated.


Pouring Heavy from High Quality Water Dispensers

The expression about  « raining cats and dogs » is a strange way to express the flow of water; however, when it comes to water dispensers, flow rate is an important consideration, especially for businesses with a large number of employees. A slow pour can lead to frustration and wasted time, but with high-performance machines like the FloWater, PW90 or i14, your business is confronted with an ideal solution. These dispensers are designed to meet the needs of businesses with more than 20 employees on shift, providing a fast and steady flow of purified water. The FloWater and PW90 machines ensure that employees can quickly fill their bottles or cups without delay, making them perfect for high-traffic break rooms, and the i14 also produces clean ice. With a heavy pour of fresh, purified water, your team stays hydrated and efficient throughout the workday, and cooled off from increased humidity produced from excessive rainfall.


From the Clouds to the Dispenser: Pouring Happy Moments

While rain from the clouds may bring uncertainty to our water sources, pouring water from an advanced dispenser brings certainty to the table. With the cooler months approaching, it’s the perfect time to ensure that your drinking water systems are optimized for winter. Happy employees and individuals come from more than just warmth and shelter—it’s also about access to clean, safe drinking water that keeps spirits high and bodies healthy.

Don’t let the stormy weather dictate the quality of your drinking water. Choose Optimum Water Solutions and experience the purity of water that meets the EPA’s highest standards. When the weather’s pouring outside, you can pour your glass with confidence inside.

Stay dry, stay healthy, and pour responsibly with: Clearly. Pure. Water. 
