
Unseen Threats in Our Plastic Bottled Water

Scientists from Columbia University are raising alarm bells about the amount of small flecks of plastic, known as nanoplastics and microplastics, in plastic bottled water. Their research, which was published early this year in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that plastic bottled water has greater amounts of nanoplastics than previously estimated. 

Yet, despite the fact that microplastics are now ubiquitous — found in our water supply, in soil, in the air, and in the food we eat, these particles are also now in us, according to recent studies

While many health implications of microplastics in bottled water are still unclear, Americans should exercise increased vigilance in selecting their drinking water. A good starting point is to restrict their consumption of plastic bottled water; after all, it is one of the primary pathways through which these particles enter our bodies. Water from plastic bottled water and 5-gallon jugs should be eliminated from the American way of life. In this article, we explain how and why.


Bottled Water Shedding Plastic Into the Bloodstream

According to Tasha Stoiber, a senior scientist at the Environmental Working Group, several studies documented the accumulation of plastic in the human placenta, heart tissue, and lung tissue among others. This is a problem, she noted, because these tiny plastics can lead to several harms, including inflammation in the body, changes in metabolism, and damage to reproductive health.

More recent studies have raised alarming concerns about the presence of microplastics and nanoplastics in human blood clots. According to research published in Environment International, these tiny plastic particles have been detected in the blood samples of people worldwide, revealing a disturbing new dimension to plastic pollution and its pervasive impact on human health.

Tiny plastics have been found inside more than 50% of fatty deposits and blood clots surgically removed from arteries in the heart, brain, and deep veins in the lower legs of humans, not only raising people’s risk of heart attack or stroke but increasing disease severity with increasing levels of microplastics found therein. 


Health Risks for Vulnerable Populations

Of course, the discovery of plastics in blood clots is particularly troubling for individuals with pre-existing heart conditions and clotting disorders. The presence of foreign particles in the bloodstream can exacerbate these above-mentioned conditions and other cardiovascular events. Pregnant women and the elderly are also at heightened risk and should exercise heightened caution. For pregnant women, microplastics in the blood can potentially affect fetal development, while the elderly, who often have compromised immune systems, might face additional health challenges due to these contaminants.


How to Avoid the Harms of Bottled Water 

Limit your plastic bottled water use:

One clear way to avoid the harms of bottled water is to avoid them altogether! Consider getting rid of the 5 gallon blue water jugs, and plastic water bottles stored in the workplace. This is a good place to start since it is where we spend our longest waking hours.  Experts agree that, in general, the less plastic you use, the better. Replace the single-use plastic bottled water with a reusable cup, and turn to tap water. 

Reconsider tap water:

Did you know that tap water has fewer microplastics than bottled water? While this may be true, tap water can pose other health concerns to Americans, exposing the general public to toxic chemicals and other pathogens. Of course, this doesn’t mean avoiding tap water altogether!  Filtering your water is another way to avoid plastic, and not just a simple Brita filter will do! Read on to learn what works best.

Turn to Water Purification:

Advanced filtration techniques can help eliminate contaminants found in tap water, including nanoplastics, according to recent studies. Many advanced purification systems allow for water refill stations that use 7x Advanced Purification to remove up to 99% of any impurities found in typical tap water.

In conclusion, water purification of tap water is an ideal way to start your journey to reduce microplastic exposure. Getting started does not have to be complicated or expensive, either. In fact, many people have found that turning to advanced water filtration to be much more economical, not only for the wallet but for the environment! Do your bodies and the planet a favor by ditching plastic bottled water, and by choosing the right water purification system for your workplace and team. Watch and learn how Optimum Water Solutions can be your resource; they are “small enough to care, big enough to get the job done” for you! Contact a local representative and enjoy the benefits of: Clearly. Pure. Water.  
